What is the name and the aim of your social action campaign?
Our SAC is called the Green Grub Club. Prior to COVID 19 our campaign aimed to encourage those living in Birmingham to make more sustainable choices about where they eat out. This is still the aim for when things open up again, however, we have more recently focussed on educating people on  eating more sustainably at home. This includes reducing food waste, cooking more vegetarian and vegan meals and much more!
What has been your biggest success so far?
Our biggest success is definitely our Instagram page. We have had many followers show us their versions of the recipes we have uploaded, and a really good level of engagement with all of our posts. The fact that people have actually tried the recipes out is really encouraging and shows that social media campaigns can make a difference, even just that first step of someone trying a new vegan dish that they wouldn’t have otherwise made.
What has been your toughest moment?
The toughest part of the campaign was definitely when the in-person meetings had to stop due to COVID 19. We are a very social and bubbly group that bounce off each other, so when we could no longer see each other in real life motivation took a real dive. Luckily we figured this out pretty quickly - Zoom was a life saver!
What skills have you gained from working on your social action campaign?
I have learned so many skills from Uprising, especially from working so closely in a team. I think the most valuable skill I have gained is the ability to speak up in a group openly about my ideas and build on other people's - a skill and confidence you can only gain from practice!Â
Have you enjoyed the experience of working on a social action campaign?
The whole experience has been really enjoyable, especially getting to know my team. There are so many inspiring people I have met, and this has really motivated me to try to encourage change. All the help we have got with our SAC has been fantastic, from meeting Connie and Joe to listening to speakers from a wide range of backgrounds, it has been an extremely enjoyable, unique and interesting experience.
You can follow the Green Grub Club on Instagram at @greengrub_club